I am so so sorry to hear this about you and will definitely pray for you.
One regime you can follow is to take lots and lots of greens, raw vegetables, fresh fruits, chrolophyll, spirulina. Lots and lots of water too. In addition, you might want to try a blend of mushrooms.
Mushrooms have a lot of powerful properties to help beat carcinogenic substances. It contains beta-gulcan which stimulates the T-Cells and Macrophage which is the body's first line of fight against tumors and cancers.
Probiotics will help too as it also boosts the immune system. Lastly a good blend of botanical oils that contains green tea seed oil would be useful as the bioflavinoids (containing EGCG) are potent antioxidants - 200x better than Vitamin E.
I hope the above may be an additional alternative for you.
Take care n keep fighting, I will pray for you too!