Black Specks - 1000 x USB Microscope
Opinions please.
OK. Since I have been using Fenbendazole as a topical they have gone nuts on my feet. Pinpricking me regularly and I am sure I feel movement sometimes, but that maybe skin damage.
Under the USB microscope it is a landscape of white crystal rocks like rock salt, which has cracks in it from when I walk. I paint it on three times a day with a pastry brush and rub it in.
The escoriated areas of the old nests show up as blood red.
I have seen nothing that looks like a Sprintail or mite. Of course, at this stage I would likely only have newborns hatching.
There are a myriad of black specks near the nests. I have seen nothing that looks like legs. This would be because I think the Fenben crystals dehydrate their bodies and of course they are being viewed from above. If they are nymphs the legs would be curled up underneath.
In comparison to the Fenben crystals the size of these would be three times smaller than the dot it would make if you dipped the end of a needle into ink. They are not as big as the Fenben crystals.
If these are the nymphs of bird mites or collembola how the hell do they hurt so much?
Or is this poop and the nips are from the Fenben seeping into their tracks.?
It happens randomly, not only after I put Fenben on.
AND these specks are in my toenails too. I only just found that out.
I just cut them down and applied WartKill salicylic acid with lactic acid.
Something tell me something hopeful or nice.
The maddening nips and pain since using FEnben topically is a good sign.
How come it doesn't make me nauseous like the Alben does?
I think I am too clear for the Nausea to be herxing I guess. So maybe it is just the drug causing the nausea.
Sorry, needed a rant.