What are the signs you should quit master cleanse?
I really need some help and guidance since I am moderately new to this. I did a 14 cleanse in 2013.
I am not on day 38 of 40-50 day cleanse. I am closer to done than starting clearly. However, for the last 4 days I have had the following symptoms:
1. I am very sick lots of head cold symptoms
2. The lemonade tastes terrible and im having trouble drinking it.
3. I am getting tired and all I think about is food. Although, I don't feel especially hungry yet.
4. I have reached the point where thinking about eating a carrot is pretty exciting and don't know what it means.
How does your body tell you to quit one of these fasts? Are these the signs or am I just detoxing? Will I feel better on day 40 and be able to go to day 50 or will I feel like shit for the remaining time because my body is ready to stop? My muscles look smaller now too and thats disconcerting.
Help please.