Re: Got to love the evidence fascistas
"Bromine is quickly distributed throughout the body tissues where it displaces Chlorine and Iodine. Bromine interferes with uptake and utilization of
Iodine in tissues, since it is similar in size and chemical reactivity, to iodine. Data on elimination of bromine is scanty, but urine is the primary route of excretion for iodine."
This quote is taken from the article on Rocky Mountain Analytical website seen in the above link. The article uses Dr. Abraham as a source, which stands to reason since it's mainly Dr. Brownstein and Abraham doing the research on iodine.
So, from this quote you see that the understanding by most of the medical community involved in
Iodine testing/research is that there is little data on the elimination pathways of bromine. Meaning they don't know if you can measure bromine detox by testing the urine.
Zed's UNSUBSTANTIATED claim that he's finding no where near the level of bromine in urine as the
Iodine doctors claim are irrelevant. It doesn't follow from that that the detox symptoms we experience aren't related to bromine.
Zed's claims that he's using the gold standard to test bromine, as if we're supposed to be very impressed, is also completely irrelevant. He can be using the most accurate testing in the world, but nobody is claiming that you can measure bromine detox by urinalysis in the first place.
I call shenanigans!