10 y
Re: ive had a child with a narcissist
Dogo36, I am sorry that you're having these experiences and that a child is involved. Are there issues of domestic violence or abuse involved in this relationship? Is this a relationship with a contract of marriage involved? What are the impacts upon your son with regard to your partner's behaviors? Is your son acting-out in school?
The issues with "narcissism" are myriad and many point to this behavior as being a "symptom" of deeper conditions like sociopath/psychopath. The revision of the DSM-V has actually noted that "narcissism" can be a symptom of psychopathy, even though that's not always the case. Even the professionals have a very difficult time assessing individuals who are psychopathic simply because they can pretend to be whatever they believe the other party wants.
I don't know what else can be done other than taking out a Restraining Order against your partner and having them removed from the premises by the police. This does, however, put your son in jeopardy because most Family Court Judges do not adhere to the understanding that an abusive partner will also be abusive to the children involved, and write a Court Order to allow for visitation. This might require legal assistance.
The one thing that I will caution here, and that is against using psychological and/or psychiatric terminology when discussing your partner. For whatever reasons, the professional community does not appreciate a non-professional offering their own assessment. So.......speak in terms of facts, behaviors, consequences, etc..........not in terms of beliefs, opinions, or personal views UNLESS someone directly asks, "And, how does this make you and/or your son FEEL."
Best wishes to you and blessings of comfort and protection for you and your son.