How I fixed my Brain Fog with Piracetam and AlphaGPC
I have had consistant brag fog for a long time, I thought this was natural and was not sure if there was anything I could do about it. Anyway, I would just like to share my story and was wondering if anyone else has done anything like this...
I start taking something called "Piracetam" and for a bit I thought this made my situation worse, because I had headaches and still was not able to fix my brain fog.
So after reading a lot more, I learned that if I supplemented with something like ALPHA GPC > it would give me my choline fix as I was not getting enough.
Fast Frwd, 8 weeks, and supplementing on Piracetam some what occasionally, my mind feels great!! I am sharp, My comebacks are fast (wit). So for anyone that wants to fix this, try my fix above.