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Re: Persorption
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Re: Persorption

Hey Earlgrey,

So much info is out there these days. I stick to high fruit, it is a clean source of energy, but I also eat about 1-2 lbs of raw greens a day to balance all the fruits. This is key, IMHO.

I like The 80-10-10 Diet, but kept falling on and off for years until I found Tannyraw on youtube.

She is this quirky southern gal who has healed herself of Lupus, Cystic Acne and Obesity with 80-10-10. She gives recipe and lifestyle advice for free on the internet that used to literally cost thousands to learn.

The diet reversed my effective age, visually and internally. It's amazing.

You don't have "bad food" cravings if you eat enough, that is the second key. Load up early and often on fruit and you are satiated, a feeling few of us truly know.

The third key is to keep fat at 10%. That is very little, so it is a skill that has to be acquired. There is no oil on 80-10-10, and eventually I got off the salt. You can have nuts and seeds and of course avocados to make dressings with.

Just look into it and see how people transform. It's remarkable.

Food n Sport is the author's site.

Another good diet people do well on is Dr. McDougall. He uses cooked starches and has healed many of degenerative diseases like diabetes and heart disease. I don't digest starches well, so it wasn't for me, but a lot of people came off their meds, etc and lose tons of weight and reverse disease with this diet.

People feel that vegan diets are deficient sometimes because they don't eat enough. You eat more bulk so to speak then when you eat meat, so an adjustment phase happens in the beginning, especially with 80-10-10 because you eat massive amounts of fruit.

Today I've had 4 bananas, 2 coconut waters, 2 c. spinach, chia seeds, 1 peach, 3 pears and 3 dates so far and I will eat a lot more. My weight is coming off and I feel amazing.:) I have mental clarity and energy again.

These simple sugars make you happy, it's awesome.

Tannyraw on youtube gives all the info to keep on these foods easily and affordably.

Alicia Silverstone has a good book with vegan recipes, but McDougall's is good too. Alicia's is more high fat, so not sure if it would work for me but could be a good transition diet.

Good luck:)




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