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I need a good cheap juicer. Any suggestions?
JRM Views: 1,205
Published: 20 y

I need a good cheap juicer. Any suggestions?

I'm interested in trying The Master Cleanse but I do not currently own a juicer. I've been looking around on the internet at the different juicers that are out there, but like everything else I shop for online, the selection is kind of overwhelming. I'll see one for $300.00 and then i'll see another one that looks almost exactly the same and has the same features for $50.00. I'm on a tight budget and would prefer to spend under $100.00, but I also don't want something that's going to quit working in a month. I'd also prefer one that's not too hard to clean and has a feeding chute big enough that I don't have to chop things up to get them to fit.

Any recommendations?


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