Re: Is nobody interested in my experiment with lufenuron?
I thought I would add in that I took Leufeneron every two weeks for a total of five doses and there was no apparent change in my skin infestation.
I believe I have collembola.
I added this to the Albendazole in the hope of it destroying the ability of new generations to develop chitin.
i don't think it did anything for me.
That dose not mean it won't work for someone else.
Mine was in the form of the dog drug, Program. I took dose for weight.
I have/had deep tissue nests which I have just had removed surgically. I believe these are the reason for delayed cure as they protect from internal and external meds.
They were on my feet, the initial site of infestation. Everywhere else on my body was cured with Albendazole as those nests were not deep.
Try painting your skin with spirit gum turpentine. It shows up the nests as it takes away the masking layer of skin. Brush it on twice a day. It is safe and does not hurt. Do not use regular
Turpentine which is petroleum based.