Hello to all just have some questions i wanted to ask in regards to dry fasting...I'm currently on a juice fast 28 days so far with 6 days of hard dry fasting prior to that (34 days of fasting in total). I've been doing countless of amount of research on dry fasting and a lot of people experienced in it have stated that while reaching days 10-14 of doing dry fasting your body should have healed. I stopped after doing my dry fasting after 6 days and 19 hours due to my fat reserves getting low otherwise i would've continued. What i'm about to ask may be crazy to some or may not, but i was thinking of canceling my juice fast put on some pounds about 50 to be exact and do the dry fasting over again for my body to heal and hope the fat will last for the entire duration of fasting. Reason i was thinking of doing this is cause the juice fast is simply taking to long, i thought i would've been healed by now. Also with more fat does the body detox faster??? I know they say with more fat the more energy you have but with more fat does the detox/healing improve??? I know patient is a big factor in doing this but mines is running thin and i really want to see myself heal as quickly as possible. My instinct tells me that if i do this approach i will heal faster rather then me continuing my duration on juice fasting. Any opinions is much appreciated, sorry for the long post. Oh and if anyone's curious it would take me about 14 days to put on 50 pounds.