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Drug industry created "female sexual dysfunction" just to sell more high-profit drugs to women they won't help
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Drug industry created "female sexual dysfunction" just to sell more high-profit drugs to women they won't help

One of the major roadblocks to achieving wellness is the diagnosis mindset. People who seek out diagnoses for things like social anxiety or an overactive bladder are quick to identify with fictional labels created by drug makers. By identifying with the label and accepting the power that illness has over them, patients are ceding control of their thoughts and emotions, allowing simple imbalances to take charge over them and persist.

These fictional diagnoses create a template of acceptance inside a person, directing their thoughts and feelings toward a victim mentality. Under the spell of the diagnosis, a patient is quick to submit to a prescription drug regimen that never gets to the heart of the problem and always causes more imbalances (in the form of side effects). On top of that, the newly accepted medical condition might be used for attention or to gain sympathy from others. In this way, a simple imbalance or nutrient deficiency becomes mistaken for a full-blown medical condition that is used to define a person and keep them in a state of needing more pills, more medical attention, and more medical "advice."

Drug companies create diagnoses to trap people

A perfect example of how drug companies create fictional diagnoses to brand people's minds is found in the newly coined term "female sexual dysfunction." This new label will soon be used by drug company Sprout Pharmaceuticals to sell a highly profitable pill called Addyi, which will never correct the imbalance taking place within the female body.

How is sexual desire measured in the first place? The term "female sexual dysfunction" only preys on women's desires and insecurities. That's exactly what Sprout Pharmaceuticals envisions. When their new pill Addyi got federal FDA approval in June 2015, it became the first drug to target women who feel they have lost their sexual appetite.

"Creating a diagnosis gives a company monopoly over the market it created," says Dr. Adriane Fugh-Berman of Georgetown University, who led a petition to stop the FDA from approving the drug.

The drug was approved based on a 19-question form that asked women about their sexual arousal, ogasms, and desire. The questionnaire, which was funded by drug makers Bayer and Zonagen, is set up to diagnose a newly created medical condition based on self-reported questions.

"The industry-generated tests are rigged tests, designed to make healthy people think they are ill," she says. "They medicalize normal human variation and normal ups and downs," says Fugh-Berman.

Ray Rosen, the psychiatrist who paved the way for the questionnaire, says, "Obviously, there's no biochemical thing you can measure to say 'this woman has so much desire,' so it has to be a subjective rating of some kind." Rosen was behind the five-question form used in the 1990s to label men with erectile dysfunction. These efforts ultimately paved the way for the highly profitable v1agra.

FDA approves contrived "female sexual dysfunction" drug based on unmeasured, untested placebo-like effect

In drug trials, the placebo effect can occur with both the placebo and the drug used in the study. That's what apparently happened in early trials with the contrived "female sexual dysfunction" drug Addyi. The FDA rejected the drug in 2010 and 2013 because the drug gave no clear benefits and only produced side effects. FDA scientists questioned the contrived questionnaire used to get support for Addyi.

The FDA initially asked questions like "Could women accurately remember their sexual desire over four weeks? What change in score represented a meaningful boost? And was feeling sexual desire 'most times' instead of 'a few times' per month really a medical benefit?"

Sprout Pharmaceuticals begged the FDA to look at the results of their made-up questionnaire. Women reported a 34 percent increase in desire while on Addyi, but most of that was likely a placebo effect because 25 percent of women wrote they had an increase in desire after taking a placebo. The thought and action of just doing something for sexual desire most likely changed the women's perception of their sexual desire. It didn't matter if the pill was a biologically inert placebo.

In the end, the FDA caved to the pressure of Sprout Pharmaceuticals, approved the pill, and said the form "may not be an optimal assessment, [but] it may provide interpretable findings of efficacy."

It should be noted that Addyi has side effects, including low blood pressure, dizziness and fainting.

Real healing doesn't prey on people's desires and insecurities

In holistic healing, someone who has lost sexual desire is not labeled and made dependent on drug company concoctions. The underlying issue is treated instead. Impotence or lack of sexual desire could be derived from emotional and relationship issues, or it could stem from stagnant blood flow and poor circulation. Helping the person deal with suppressed emotions or increasing the life force energy of the patient is more important. Roots in the ginseng family are adaptogenic in nature and restore blocked sexual energy. Dong quai root brings circulation to the female organs, strengthening her sexual desire. Fenugreek seed and maca root are excellent for the female reproductive system, too. Likewise, what chemicals could be affecting the woman's hormones in negative ways?

Imbalances can be corrected without convincing people they have a medical condition. Made-up medical terms that trick people into taking drug company concoctions indefinitely are a form of deceit used to control people's emotions and future.

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