Re: Home Ozone Insufflation.
I have been using a Synergy WPS100 single stage machine for the last month, I find it easy to use and can achieve an accuracy of within 2 gamma + or -. The WSP100 only goes up to 69 gamma "The Use of Ozone in Medicine" often quotes doctors using 75 gamma.
It seems to well agreed that 30-40 gamma is optimal for rectal insufflation, fine tuning with feedback from the patient, but start off low and build up. (Gamma or ug/ml or microgram per millilitre, it's the same thing).
Different people say different volumes, most Doctors say 400ml 3 or 4 times a week, depending on what the ailment. The highest volume I've read about was 800ml (The Use of Ozone in Medicine p.115). One cancer expert advised when fighting cancer 30 mins 3 times a day @ 0.10 litre per min. By my calculations that's 9 litre per day, with a slow build to get used to it. I consider the flow rate (litre per min or p.s.i.) to be more dangerous than the concentration.
So far I have found it simpler and safer to pump the ozone into a colostomy bag and them administer it from there.
Good luck.