Dr Tennant:Healing is Voltage,Fungus and Fulvic
Fungus plays a major role in our health and often in our sickness.
Fungal life is controlled by the PH, Potential of Hydrogen, the milli voltage, of our cells and systems, because voltage controlls a fluids oxygen absorbing ability. Low voltage means low oxygen, low oxygen means conditions for fungal growth. When we understand the role of fungus in disease and health and the role of voltage in controlling fungus we begin to understand the paradigm that is refered to as Healing is Voltage.
.Fungus includes yeasts, rusts, and molds. They lack chlorophyll energy production functions, so they make enzymes to deconstruct and then consume organic material to create their energy and they fullfill their energy needs without oxygen. Thus they thrive and prefer the anerobic and avoid and become dormant in the aerobic. Fungus reproduce as spores asexually. Spores resist evan extreme heat and can be dormant for years.
If not for fungus, the lack of rapid and complete decay would be a problem for the earth and for us.
Fungus converts organic material down to its component parts, vitamins, minerals and amino acids. A large part of this residue we know as Humic Acid and a smaller amount as the nanosized Fulvic Acid.
Fulvic Acid is a necessary component that provokes the opening of our cell membranes so that intake and elimination will occur, and Fulvic or lack of Fulvic is also how and why seeds germanate quickly, properly or not at all.
We normally ingest these acids when we eat plants from seeds whose membranes have been activated by the Fulvic and then the plant is later fed by the Humic. Thus the human gets the vitamins, minerals and amino acid nutrician and also the Fulvic Acid to activate cellular membrane channels.
When farmers use pesticides and kill fungus in the soil, the process that Humic and Fulvic Acids potentiate is stalled and plants are subpar or dont germinate. When the farmer adds ferilizer, the plants and their produce may have adequate structural protein, they look good, but lack vitamins, minerals, amino acids and Fulvic. Thus the humans or animals eating the plants become systemicly deficient and since no Fulvic is being ingested, what little nutrients are avalable are not being processed easily if at all.
Humans normally have bacteria and fungi living in the intestinal tract for completing food deconstruction. Since these organisms avoid oxygen environments the GI tract is insulated, by the intestinal membrane and the GI environment, from our immune systems functioning to destroy such organisms. p>
If hypothyroidism, dental infections, lack of stomach acids and toxins such as fluoride, chlorine, asparatame, Splenda, MSG, antibiotics, and many others, drop our PH levels in our normally areobic fluids and spaces, the dormant fungus activates and begins to destroy our cells for its energy requirments, and this also makes way, often avoiding a comprimised Iodine shield and stomach acid defenses, for the outside environments fungi, bacterias and other parasites to invade and take advantage.
The number of our fungal infections is often related to the amount of the, fungal derived and created, antibiotics we have consumed. The fourth most frequent hospital infection is the yeast candida albicans. There are numerous candida varieties that cause illness in man.
Since the 1840's numerous researchers have linked microbes to human illness. In the 1930's Royal Rife developed protocol that revealed the then unnamed, smaller than 300 microns, particles that he found to be associated with disease. We now call them fungal spores and viruses.
Fungi and bacterias compete for food. Bacteria colonies in our intestinal tract help retard and control the growth of naturally occuring and systems function assisting intestinal fungi. 'Probiotics' are one of the most important defense we naturally have against the begining stages of fungal invasion.
It has been seen in the plant world how fungi invade and merge with plant DNA and cause errant replication, along with their perverted DNA being replicated with each cells new generation. This is likely the reason why so many researchers for the last 100 years have found fungus to be present and a likely key element in humans for cancers.
All of this is controlled by the PH, the micro voltage of our cells and systems, because PH, voltage, controlls oxygen. Low voltage means low oxygen, low oxygen means conditions for fungal growth. When we understand the role of fungus in disease and health and the role of voltage in controlling fungus we begin to understand the paradigm that is refered to as Healing is Voltage.
see also: