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Re: Could garlic make worms go to my head?

Blood Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Flossy Views: 1,246
Published: 10 y
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Re: Could garlic make worms go to my head?

It is inflammation.

You need an anti-inflammatory now.

You need to take it every four to five hours for a few days at least.

Nurofen or Benadryl original.

Swelling inside bony cavities is very painful.

Inflammation is swelling of the soft tissues.

Imagine a cave with a tiny entrance. The cave is coated in moss.
It rains and causes the moss to swell. You would not be able to get in or out of the cave and the pressure inside the cave would rise dramatically.

Your skull is a bony structure with no outlets at all. Only other small cavities and tunnels inside it.

It is all lined with tissue. There is an animal in there that has died or is dying. Maybe even just one has died. This causes the animal to swell and the immune system to send body fluids and macrophages to clean it up.

So it swells, gets inflamed.

All the tissues including the dead body swell up.

There is nowhere for the swelling to go because the tissues will press against the walls of the skull as they swell.

You need anti-inflammatories now and regularly for a few days at least and maybe regularly.

To not include this is risking serious side effects such as blood poisoning or meningitis.

Get Doxycycline straight away and start taking it and stay on it long term.

You do not want a rotting body inside your skull where your brain is, your eyes are and your eardrums are, rotting and spreading bacteria.

You don't want that.

Keep you fluids up as well as this keeps your blood pressure stable and supports your immune system sending macrophages to clean up the gunk.

You may also experience nausea. I took Nausetil every four hours for weeks.

It is a brand name of Stemetil.I bought it over the counter in Australia at pharmacies.


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