Re: GcMAF treatment kills cancer cells in real time
- WHY the dominant medicine loses the war on cancer - each and every time?
- WHY the dominant medicine and all those thousands YouTube “methods” cannot cure cancer (any type) even theoretically, even more – they only will even more worsen the patient's condition?
- WHY the Methodology of Shevchenko WINS?
Answer FIRST: Because this method (surgery) is reductionistic.
But cancer is not a reductionistic phenomenon – it is a holistic phenomenon!
So - every attempt to apply reductionistic methods
to a holistic phenomenon is doomed to failure!
This happens each and every time -
it is impossible to achieve success
even theoretically!
To state it more simply – cancer is not a disease of a particular part of the body – not a localized disease.
It is a disease of the body as a whole – at a genetic level. And this is a common point that applies to all types of cancer.
It is impossible to clean up the whole body by cutting pieces of it and carcinoms. They are many of them – and most of them are invisible!