Re: fenben and moxi
Hi Raz. I didn't try the cayenne. I have realised that because that foot was the initial site of infestation AND it has large nodules on it, I had to get them cut out.
I think the nodules are so dense that nothing gets into them and they are full of eggs.
So, I have finally found a doctor who is removing them for me. One at a time.
Take care with putting your dose of Albendazole up.
My dog developed leukaemia. I believe it is because his dose was higher than it should be.
I could be wrong. It could just be because dogs are different, but my gut says it was the dosage.
I think none of us realise how long we need to take it for, depending on how long we have been infested and how long before we realised what we had.
To be sure, I am only taking 5mls twice a day. Probably for the rest of the year.
NOTE: I am not saying that Albendazole causes leukaemia. I am just advising caution with raising doses, just in case it was that.
I am not on here much either. Best wishes to all.