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Tapeworm?? Does passing a large amount of it mean that it is dead? Is it something else entirely?
  Views: 3,806
Published: 10 y

Tapeworm?? Does passing a large amount of it mean that it is dead? Is it something else entirely?


Hi all. This is a photo of the thing I found in my stool yesterday. I have had no major symptoms that I can identify. I have only had some minor bouts of diarrhea that were associated with drinking alcohol, and I've been depressed and anxious most of my life. But I have to think that this being the first and only time I've found something crazy in my stool, that it is hopefully an acute and isolated incident?

I figured it must be a tapeworm, but don't know that for sure. Can you help me identify it? And if it is indeed a tapeworm, it is quite a lot of one, if not the whole thing. So, is it likely that I passed the whole thing as it has died recently? In the research I've done yesterday and today, it seems that normally only small segments are passed during the normal life cycles. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this means I passed the whole thing without knowing I had it, and now it's over??? PLEASE tell me that's the case!


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