Hi I need help after battling cancer n treatments I found out I had parasites. Drs gave one dose wasn't enuf to clear. I sent an actual huge worm to lab and came back as nothing! That I had to beg and plead for dose given. I took loads of stuff bought online n wherever to follow protocols. Unthinkable that this would happen. Nothing kills the ones in legs
I started natural herbs (leaky gut for me def penetrated into body during that time) the worms ran from meds n now gut lining healing but the worms in legs won't die. I have tried so many things. Please help young mom of three so desperate to have life be normal again Please tell me how you got rid of this. Will they die eventually. Should I alkalize more with other recommendations. I'm so irritable with this sensation of things feeding off me. I have stool test after stool test all negative n the hope of bringing actual worm once would do the trick they are clueless. All sorts blood wrk shows nothing. We are not all nuts like they insinuate
Anyone cure this. Please If someone can help. It's been horrible few years I have small kids to take care of. I'm exhausted with this.