10 y
Re: My simple method for Deworming
All of the ingredients are solid.
What is not solid is your knowledge of the nature of the beast(s).
If I were in the situation you are in, I would be sure to do a monthly 3 day (six 100 mg) dose of mebendazole for some time for at least 6 months. Perhaps longer.
Pinworms are notorious for the eggs, which can become airborne and inhaled, in immediate environment once contracted. Which means re-infection for some.
Tapeworms encyst.
If I was in your situation I would practice a once a month de-worming to be on the safe side.
In some parts of the world a monthly de-worming is a common enough practice.
Some places it is twice yearly.
Some, a major flush out once a year.
Anyway, thanks for your post.
All those things are A # 1 IMO in battling.
You just need to do a little bit more research on life cycles and environmental contamination.