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New. Looking for guidance
Enza Views: 656
Published: 10 y

New. Looking for guidance

Hello. I'm new to the forum, and I'm also a new member of the Candida overgrowth club. I've just felt horrible for weeks ever since my birthday (when it triggered). Every day i look at my food and wonder if it will make me sick or if it will give me pelvic pains etc.

I sought a homeopath for guidance, and we were able to get the sour sensation, pelvic pains and bloating under control via homeopathic pills, diet and probiotics from my grocer's, but I'm at a loss for what to do next and think she is too.

I read a little bit on other websites and quickly found that there were many contradictory approaches to candida. I was told not to have salt, no saurkraut or fermented food, but read that Sea Salt is okay, and fermented food is loaded with good bacteria, and is okay - provided it's fermented a certain way. After I had a lovely (sweet) pickled red cabbage dish at a restaurant, I quickly learned not all fermented foods are equal. Rather, my stomach learned the lesson. I found a regular saurkraut that was fine with me, but I was still told to stay away from it anyway. I loaded up on garlic, having it raw every once in a while (but my BF is complaining about that now). I also consume 1 tablespoon of raw coconut oil before every meal (but was told to stay away because of saturated fat?), and take Oregano Oil whenever my tongue has that indescribable 'funny taste'. I've also started oil pulling with the coconut oil as I found that to work. (Finally something that worked!)

Then one night I woke up with a dizzy spell that lasted for 4 hours. My bf was in a panic because I don't have health insurance and he didn't know what to do. I learned this was a die-off symptom. The following day I felt 'disconnected', but the day afterward I felt utterly fantastic! I had not felt that great in 15 years! I suffer from anxiety and Depression amongst other things, but that day felt like I was cured. Of course, since I was told to stop everything once i got the dizzy spell, i reverted back to my sickly self. However, it opened my eyes. Maybe my anxiety and Depression are part of the candida? Maybe my sinus pressure and recurrent ear infections are too? Maybe my respiratory and heart palpitations are related as well somehow? I had never felt so great. Maybe my 'normal' isn't really my true normal state. Maybe I've just been with this disorder for so long that I grew accustomed to it. Now I want to get back to that fantastic feeling again. The feeling where I could even overcome my agoraphobia and get my life back.

I'm lost. I don't know what to do next aside from not eat sugar, bread or starchy food. (it's only been 4 months but Im already sick of my diet) I found several 'candida programs', but a friend said to look for reviews that were not on the company's website before I make a purchase. I found none, so she suggested I come here and seek advice from the combined experience of others who have walked this path before me.

Please, would you help guide me? Where should I start? I apologize if I 've missed a key section on this forum that would otherwise guide me, but I just feel so overwhelmed by the information across the net that most days I just want to curl up and not get out of bed. :(


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