Urgent, possible deep infection on skin on face? (pictures)
Hello, few days ago, on 24.8, in the evening area on my cheek became red and also swelled up, under and around the blackhead. I thought it was probably just infamed blackhead, which I had many times before, these however were painful and became swollen only very tiny bit.
This time however the area (bump) started to swell up moreand more, and has been increasing in size each day.
1.Area is hard on touch
2.Area (bump) is becoming bigger each day (so far at least)
3.Blackhead which was visible before is now kind of like "inside" the bump
4. Bump does not hurt, only when pressed with force.
5.When day light shines from left side on face, area has visibe bordlers and is more pale than rest of skin.
6. Actual size of the bump right now is 1-1,2 cm.
I am uploading pictures as well. Skin is stretched to make bump more visible. First pictures was taken on 26.8 (day 2), and shows it under one light. Second picture under differet light, on same day, and third picture is actual one, it was taken today, on day 4, 28.8.
Please, what it could be? Furuncle, cyst, inflamed blackhead, or something worse? How should I treat it? Thanks.
Pic 1:
Pic 2:
Pic 3: