Re: Detox symptoms
Heartburn is more frequent with impeded motility and or increased intra-abdominal pressure/abdominal girth - things to mind after the fast as well, ... together with eliminating dairy - the main culprit for heart burn while feeding.
Elevating your pillow may help, or elevating the head portion of your bed few
inches above the bottom, may help too.
I suggest drinking often but small amounts of warm water, as Archus suggests.
Sometimes if nausea is there, letting the stomach content out, can be helpful too. Take care to rinse your mouth many times afterwards to protect your teeth and drink slowly another cup of warm water to rinse down the esophagus. The stomach also participates in detoxing through secretion of redundant material.
We get different discomforts depending on what is our weakest part. For me joint discomfort and muscle tension is very hard to bear.
You should be fine. Hang in there,