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Estrogen (estradiol) lowish... progesterone on the higher side : PMS / Mastodynia (unusual ha ???)
Stephy79 Views: 389
Published: 10 y

Estrogen (estradiol) lowish... progesterone on the higher side : PMS / Mastodynia (unusual ha ???)


I hope i am right here.

I wonder if there is someone who has some knowledge about Estrogen and Progesterone levels. And their ratio.

Isnt it usually so that high estrogen levels cause PMS ? or is that wrong?

almost 3 years ago i went vegan. After a year i ve developed mastodynia. Cycle related. So it only ever happend after my ovulation or a week before my period.

Also my TSH levels trippled .

I did research and started taking Iodine (brownstein protocol) and after another year it finally was all fine. Boob pain was gone and my TSH was back to 1,9.

I kept taking Iodine but since 2 months my PMS Mastodynia is back. I also really feel when i have my ovulation. (i knnow some gynacologists say thats impossible) but well i do.

Last month and this month right after ovulation my boobs (mainly the ourter quarter of my right boob towards the armpit) started to hurt.

I ve had my progesterone and estrogen (estradiol) levels checked in march 2014. Saliva test .

Back then i ve still had mastodynia but been on Iodine already for about half a year.

My results been following :

Estradiol : 2,5 pg/ml (lab range : 0,8-10,8) .... taken in the second half of my cycle

Progesterone : 345 pg/ml (lab range 100-450)

Estradiol/Progesterone ratio : 119 (100 being minimum)

NOW i am asking myself. How can i have mastodynia with such low estradiol (estrogen? ) levels.

Isnt one supposed to be estrogen dominant to have PMS symptomes???

Also i have my period regularely, take no pill, have no IUP whatsoever. I am almost 36 y/o btw.

I have no dry vagina either or cant name any other symptome that ppl with lowewr estrogen levels suffer from.

I d like to know what u guys think about my levels and how my maastodynia is explained while having such "lowish" estrogen levels.

Thx in advance

(dont mind the typos pls. First of i am not english and second i am typing on my ipad )

best regards



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