10 y
Difficulty fasting
Hi all,
I have not really had very much success lately trying start and sustain a water fast.
In the past I have fasted about 10 times from 3 to 28 days but now I cant get beyond 3 days at the most.
I enjoy how well fasting makes me feel but I find it currently so difficult and sometimes cannot even do 1 day.
I fast for health reasons - cleansing and healing.
Over the yeasr I slowly drifted back to poor eating habits and smoking which I have now stopped but want to correct the damage I have subjected myself to. You would think that would be motivation enough!
I just have to resign myself to doing what I can when I can and at some point I will mentally be motivated enough to follow through!
Anyway - great to see the fasting thread is still going strong and If anyone has any motivation techniques that might be of help i would love to read about it.
Regards to all !