a word of caution to creators
being made in the image and likeness of god is a blessed gift but it carries with it a load of responsibility.
i recently was able to compare two entirely different scenarios in two peoples lives. the first one did not take flu shots. when they finally had to get one they got very sick from it. this person will never get another one.
the other person got a flu shot every year. one year they were unable to get the shot and they became very ill with the flu that year. they will now never go without one.
what fascinated me by this is that both of these people are reacting to the reality of their situation and using similar logic to do so and yet they come to opposite conclusions.
this is a stellar example of people creating their own realities. this is normal. this is what creators do. we can create anything, which is why we are told the things we are by our saviour.
we must be careful about what we create because, once created, we have to deal with our own creation. it is reality.
i look at the lords creation and think of all the patience and thought that must have been put into it. according to our understanding of the geologic record, he took his time making everything just perfect for what was to come next. he was so pleased with his creation that this looked to be a fine place to raise a kid.
that is the greatest risk of all - procreation. the question i have is how does procreation generate opposition? i think its the medium in which it occurs.
the flesh is in natural opposition to the spirit. this is our house, our beth in hebrew, the letter B. in order to contain us it must be repellent of us. since opposites attract, the repellent must mimic the properties of that which is being repelled.
the flesh and the spirit mirror each other. many times it is hard to tell them apart. the more one lives according to the flesh the less of the spirit one can see. the more one lives in the spirit the easier it is to tell them apart.
there is a reason god rants about people worshipping wood and metal images. these idols turn ones attention from the creator to the creation. they repel the spirit by being a material replacement which is powered by the worshippers.