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Video Embedded Woman screams at MD. cops after they kill her husband in Walmart parking lot
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Woman screams at MD. cops after they kill her husband in Walmart parking lot

In video captured by a bystander, a woman screamed “He wasn’t f*cking armed! You killed my husband” as Maryland State Police subdued her following an officer-involved shooting that left a 30-year-old man dead in a Walmart parking lot Friday night.

The Cecil Daily reports that Charles S. Hall was shot and killed by Trooper Daryl K. Brackett, a three-year veteran of the force who claimed he recognized Hall and knew there was a warrant out for his arrest.

According to State Police spokesperson Greg Shipley, Brackett attempted to arrest Hall but Hall allegedly resisted and fought with the trooper before getting into his vehicle and attempting to take off.

“During the struggle, the trooper fired his assigned duty pistol, striking Hall in the upper torso,” Shipley said.

Hall was pronounced dead at the scene.

According to police, Hall was wanted for violating his probation and failure to appear for drug counseling. Hall also had another outstanding warrant for possession of drug paraphernalia.

A witness at the scene filmed an unidentified woman who claimed to be Hall’s wife struggling with police and pounding on the hood of a police car while screaming, “You are a murderer! He was not armed! He was not f*cking armed! You killed my husband!” as she tried to reach him laying on the ground.

According to witnesses, the woman was eventually strapped to a stretcher where she continued to attempt to break free while screaming at the officers.

In the video, a discussion can be heard with one man commenting Hall had been maced by the cop, saying, “He maced him. They should have been away from the car, telling him to get out,” before adding, “This is gonna be big time here — worse than other ones.”

“Is he colored?” the man asks only to be told, “No, he’s white, I think,” before replying, “That don’t even matter, that don’t even matter.”

A third man then adds, “Cause it don’t matter, he was a human.”

Watch the video below, uploaded to You Tube by asliceofkiwi:



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