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Video Embedded Cure Cancer Using Cannabis Oil….
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Cure Cancer Using Cannabis Oil….

Sad that a man is been charged in Australia for giving his daughter the cannbis oils who has a terminal type of cancer… when he gave her a dose with coconut oil she made a huge improvement, instantly! Now he’s been arrested and can’t see her….

Dad faces jail for giving dying daughter cannabis oil which relieved her symptoms

The youngster has stage 4 neuroblastoma – a cancer which forms in the nerve tissue and has left Rumer with just a 50% chance of survival.

But after giving her the oil mixed with coconut Mr Koessler, from Cairns in Australia, says his daughter showed “miraculous” signs of improvement.

This guy gave his son cannabis oil, slipped it into his drip each night. His son had brain tumors and make a full recovery! The doctors said it was a miracle because all of a sudden his tumors started to reduce in size, then disappeared !…..

More stories of pretty much instant cures…

US government confirms that cannabis kills cancer cells




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