SHARKMAN, I've been reading your posts for the past month and share virtually all the same symptoms as you, I even used your black cloth/magnifier tip to confirm personal diagnosis :) Thanks so much for sharing with all your journey. My uncle is a large animal vet and whole-heartedly agree with the vet meds being the way to go and that the vets are the true authorities on all things parasite. Question: In hindsight, Is there anything you would have done differently? Specifically, would you possibly have introduced the Fenbendazole earlier than 6 months of ICU's protocol? Maybe 3 cycles of the Alben/Iver/Doxy...1 Wk rest...then insert the Fenben and repeat? Also, I saw that you mentioned Thiabendazole (which I have lots of after a huge order to Dr Chieu) and wondered at what course in the treatment you felt it might be advantageous? Please pm me or post. I've just completed my first cycle of the Alben/Iver/Doxy and am on day 5 of liver rest. I also have lots of Mebendazole and wondered if you thought there might be any useful times to implement that into the mix?
Congratulations on your almost-finish line victory!! A glimmer of hope for lots of us who had/have that 4 letter word (hope) in short supply :-)
Thanks in advance, be well!