9 y
Re: Can you cleanse/detox with Dental Amalgams present in your mouth?
You absolutely must remove all of your
Amalgams prior any mercury detox, otherwise the chelators will get Hg from the
Amalgams and put it in your system. You will not be able to cure your candida before you remove the mercury, but you need to kill it steadily while chelating. Most folks will not agree, but from what I have read somewhere and my own experience, candida biofilms contain mercury and need to be broken up in order the Hg to go out. Also without breaking the biofilms you have slight chances of clearing your candida. They can be broken with enzymes such as Interfase. Good luck.
P.S. If you are a female, you can remove your vaginal candida pretty fast, by following the
Colloidal Silver tampon protocol suggested by me (check the vaginal yeast section on that forum). Systemic/intestinal candida will be hard to remove tough and unlikely till the Hg is out.