Ergocalciferol is vitamin D2 from mushrooms and the like,
Chole-calciferol is vitamin D3 produced in the skin of mammals and fish (under the scales).
Cholecalciferol is much better absorbed and utilized by the body, ergocalciferol requires more steps to metabolize for the body to use. You can certainly poke your doctor to get the prescription switched, ergocalciferol prescriptions are often based upon outdated information/practices.
By the way, if the massive doses of D3 don't work (don't bring up your blood level, this is often seen in the elderly), ubiquinol (reduced coQ10) will enable your body to absorb it. (they are cofactors).
Keep magnesium around when you begin on D3. The most common side effect of it is a revealing of underlying magnesium deficiencies.