Re: Book: Martin Luther Master of Deceit
Just more examples of Dr. Max D. Younce..
Didn't Luther say there is no point replying to all the vipers that only have one goal in mind. Nothing has changed in 500 years..
the young monk was able to find no solace or deliverance from the scholastic tradition of his upbringing. It was the Bible that brought
him out of these chains. “He kept finding new passages that spoke to him in the voice of the living God.”
The most significant turning point in this process, however, was
his “Reformation Discovery.”
According to his own autobiography, the distraught monk, overcome with a conviction of insufficiency and unworthiness, at last encountered the opening of the gates of paradise as he meditated upon the Scriptures
. “Discovery” is a misleading word, for it was not so much an experience in which a
learned biblical scholar, equipped with the tools of his concordances and surrounded with numerous commentaries, extracted from the texts their hidden meaning. It was, rather, a
breakthrough “
by the mercy of God
,” where a broken, despairing individual sur
rendered himself
before the Word, and the “face of the entire Scripture
showed itself
” to him.
The image portrayed is that of a passive individual, purely receptive, and an alien, other-worldly righteousness approaching him from without, penetrating to within, thus creating for him a new
mind and heart. All is summed up in the prepositional phrase “
for you
,” for now the righteousness of God was no longer a distinct, condemning judge, but rather God’s righteousness
for you
in Christ. The driving force be
hind Luther’s Reformation was the conviction of that
the alien righteousness which alone could save the individual; in other words, a passive
righteousness, in which Christ given to us fully as our righteousness.