SUCCESS against pinworm using medical tape
Found this info online
may197 Nov 29, 2011
Medical Tape did it for me...well, it appears to be working thus far...
I had it for months, tried different medicines, tried different diets, disinfected myself and my house constantly until I felt I was going insane.
I finally read somewhere that they come out to lay eggs because they need oxygen...and it got me thinking. OXYGEN! They can go days without food, and are resistant to medication, and are retroinfecting me, but they can't reporduce without access to AIR!
So, I found the perfect medical tape - not too sticky, very flexible, and thick enough they couldn't possibly get through. At first, I wore it for a few days (replacing every time I used the washroom of course), then only evenings and overnight. Being a woman, I'm already used to pads, tampons, etc., so a little piece of tape was no problem - I didn't even notice it. I finally feel worm free!
And, if I even think I feel the slightest tickle, the tape goes back on. I am sleeping peacefully and my mind finally feels at ease. Hope this helps you too :)
YUCKooooo Dec 10, 2011
ok so having delt with these 'friends of mine' a few times now. I have a cheap way i have found to get rid of them. put a capsul of garlic up ur butt, and ur kids butts, then tape the butt hole/rectum.
No swirm and they cannot lay their eggs. so they will die.
putting the bed clothes in the dryer kills the need to wash everyday.
spritz bath and toilet with bleach after use, and windex/amonia spray on furniture, surfaces ect. shower a few times a day & eat alot of garlic, yogurt & pinnaple.
We did do the Reeses each time.. i think one of my 5years olds is getting them from school...ugh. but they do die off. and works well, will do the dm/or silica i saw here though.
but the tape on the butt!!!excellent...except when u have to pass gass..but its worth it. no wiggle!! and they will die off if they cannot lay their eggs