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Visible cavities on upper frontal teeth - Help!! What cause, how fix?
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Visible cavities on upper frontal teeth - Help!! What cause, how fix?


The last 20 months approximately, on the upper part of my three most central upper frontal teeth, have appeared three cavities, as in that there are actually real holes in the teeth - each maybe 3x3x1mm in size. And those teeth are tender.

I had "white"/"demineralized" spots on my teeth for many years, and when I grew up I had lots of teeth problems, except for an occasional general sense of sensitivity. Last 15 years I didn't need to go to the dentist.

I am a healthy (though slightly aspergery) male, 30 years old, slender, tall. I take some sodium ascorbate, MSM and Borax every day. Last year I drank concentrated lemonade maybe 30 times. I drink honey tea several times daily. I have no Amalgams since 20 years, and I did take ALA and DMSA before to kick out any heavy metals.

I must fix this in order to feel comfortable with people - in particular next time I get a girlfriend, but also just for making big smiles!

The fixes I'm aware of is

* Comfrey root rinses, it's said it can actually re-grow teeth?
* Eat fat soluble vitamins with coconut oil, e.g. D and K2
* Maybe somehow eat more minerals, in particular calcium and phosphorous, though not sure how.

At your request I can post actual photos of the issue here.

How do you fix this?


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