Hi. I had the Mirena IUD put in 2-3 weeks ago, and am having problems urinating properly, also feeling dehydrated and when i am able urinate it's typically concentrated, again indicating dehydration. To be fair I've always had an over active bladder, but this is a bit different as I find myself with an urgency to pee but either end up sitting on the toilet for minutes before actually urinating, and quite often seem to not be emptying my bladder fully because i can't even get through washing my hands before the urge comes back. I also have PCOS (Poly-cystic Ovarian Syndrome)and have never been pregnant. On a side note I have had increased anxiety, irritation, and loss of emotional control, but I do have mental health issues as well. Any help or direction to resources would be great! I went back 2 days ago to make sure it was in place correctly and I didn't coincidentally get a UTI, and all test results were negative.