I'm new here and it's hard to know where to start from
Hi, I want to understand this website from the beginning.
I just want to know more about Curezone but there is no easy access to it, can anyone tell me why is this? Is it deliberate? in my search I tried keywords such: story, history, beginning and some more with little success.
Then I found on The Internet Archive some screens and with it the names and pictures of two girls.
I'd like to ask some guide to better understand Curezone, it's founders, it's history and dynamics.
Free speech is of most importance and I know this have some costs to be faced for all users, specially the new ones like myself so in order to improve my skills to navigate and filter the huge amount of information posted I need advice to know from where to start.
Thanks in advance!... and sorry if this is not the correct place for this kind of post, if that's the case, please can you direct me where should I do it?