Trapper's advice was right on spot again. I was iron deficient and becoming very anemic. That is why I was tasting blood. I distill my own water and re-mineralize it. I also take minerals, usually. But I had been out of them due to a shortage of cash from moving and all. AS soon as I bought a bottle of Floradix Iron and started taking it, the lymph gland in my neck went down. I felt much better within two days of taking it.
I also want to thank Ohford for replying to those two symptoms I reported on the day I couldn't taste salt and my cell phone felt too heavy. I looked up carotid artery disease and found out that I had half the symptoms. Sore neck, hard to swallow, dizziness, and headache. So I took 250 mgs of niacin, which I have been told will flush the fat out of arteries. My headache VANISHED within minutes. The next day it came back. So I took some more niacin and it left again.
I am going to take it daily for a while and keep increasing until it stops flushing because I hear the flush is an indication that it is clearing things out of the veins.
Cure Zone is a life saver for sure. The collective wisdom shared freely with all saves so much time that would have to be spent researching and doing trial and error experimentation of your own.
I love you all.