Calculating recovery time
It all depends on the condition of your liver and colon when you start the program, what drugs you have taken in the past and what they did to you because of the condition of your liver and colon.
If your colon and liver is very compromised for function, your tissues are going to fill up fast with the toxins when you go on the drugs. The more toxic these organs are, the faster you will come to the "cancer" diagnosis and all other terminal disease diagnoses. Medical doctors know this. They're just not going to tell YOU.
Too bad the most prescribed drugs to finish you off seem to be the benzodiazepines and antidepressants. If you have a badly compromised liver and colon, then you're going to have the bugs that secrete the ammonia that overstimulates the adrenal glands and causes panic attacks. You've probably already discovered you are having Candida and other fungal stuff in your blood from being previously poisoned. The worse off your colon and liver is, the more of these drugs get packed into the tissues. They have a half life and an affinity for both fat and protein tissue. They're a long time coming out of the tissues. Actually, they DO start coming out of the tissues early on in the program, hence what the Ashton Manual calls "protracted withdrawal symptoms" that you may or may not recognize as withdrawal symptoms. It can manifest as profound sleepiness. What I have discovered is that ANY detox at all that the body is able to do at any time will cause thee protracted withdrawal symptoms to start up again.
When the tissue detox comes around, it IS going to be prolonged because of the half life of these drugs. It will test you to the very core of your metal. The vagus nerve is especially damaged as those benzos interrupt the parasympathetic influence of it to the heart. There are no normally acting "brakes" in the parasympathetic nervous system on the heartbeat, so your resting heart rate is always going to be at least 100 bests per minute. If it does this to the branch that goes to the heart, what does it do to all the branches to the organs?
There is a creeping numbness that goes on throughout the whole body until the drugs are eliminated. You'll hear that on benzo support blogs. Because the nervous as well as vascular system is involved. There is also a lot of scar tissue and residual fungal stuff coupled with the dead cells that the body has to get rid of. Not a fun trip at all. Keep up your courage and ride it out to the end.
Glutamine can help heal the intestines and taurine keep the hearts in good shape as well as repair the brain and spinal cord injury. You also need B6. You may experience a lot of seizure-like activity as the body heals including pressure on the brain. Paying attention to your total protein intake is also needed. Zymessence from Dr. William Wong has been helpful to me. That will also help dissolve scar tissue. Castor oil packs helps to dissolve scar tissue. Going out in the sun regularly helps with your vitamin D levels.
Keep doing a complete vitamin/mineral supportive formula for the body that has chlorophyll in it that helps detox as well as build will help. Probiotics every day. Brian Peskin's omega formula will help, too. Move the body as much as possible. Go back to what you did in the beginning, if you have to--and that's a rocking chair to keep the lymph flowing.
These are nasty drugs. Take courage. You CAN make it.
Another thing that happens to your body in the end is that your stance/posture will change after you have gotten rid of all the garbage. All your organs will go back into their proper place and try to rebuild. You might find this is also a contributing factor to the pain you experience during the tissue detox.
Dr. Sutter isn't here to tell you. This is MY contribution to all trying to get their health back and experience a feeling of normalcy again. You have to heal up your brain and spinal cord as well as your intestines. That's going to take some time. It might help some of you who were bad off in the beginning to take courage and ride it out until you're feeling normal again.
Never, EVER give up. The good always wins in the end.
Thank you.