Hey, not to make you paranoid or anything, but if seemingly everyone farts/smells around you or there is something in the environment around you that is always/often smells, it's most likely you. I can't smell myself either, sometimes I do. It always used smell around me or the people around would smell. I think the odor manifests through the environment and through people we come across.
My nose is blocked and have problems with the sinus( it could be allergies I don't know). I have a lot of health issues, most which doctors can't help me with, they just try to give me painkillers and stupid explanations. I know my body more than them. I have physical pain too EVERYWHERE in my body. I don't know what the hell is wrong with me( I have ideas, but I just need to connect the dots, so I can cure ALL of my ailments, so I can have decent health and help others cure themselves( because most of these so-called "doctors" won't help us).