Could low choline levels be a major cause of Alzheimer's disease?
I've been researching all around the internet for help with my sweating problem. """"Doctors typically perscribe anti-cholinergic medication for this problem""""".
HOWEVER, it warns that anti-cholinergic drugs cause dementia.....?
After looking at some articles online, it says that choline deficiency is linked with Alzheimer's and cardiovascular disease.
And they did a study on supplementing Alzheimer's patients with CDP-choline over a 12 week period. Compared to placebo, the CDP-choline group showed improvements (in a couple areas) and less deterioration.
Alzheimer's somewhat runs on my dad's side of the family. And although my dad is showing no signs of mental decline, he is a little senile for his age. And he doesn't sweat much at all....he doesn't need deoderant.
I'm beginning to wonder if I should get him on a CDP-choline or choline supplement.
I wonder for people who sweat very little, the rates of Alzheimer's in that population.
Feel free to start a discussion :)
The basic point I'm trying to make....if you sweat very little...that's likely an indicator you have low choline levels. Therefore people who don't sweat much might be at higher risk for Alzheimer's disease?