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Re: Finishing Day 8...concerns

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

pepe Views: 1,018
Published: 20 y
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Re: Finishing Day 8...concerns

The Master-Cleanse affects each individual different and detox syptom will be specific to an individuals particular physiology lifestyle genetics and on and on.

The body is just begining to kick into deep detox mode in day 8 so if you're pretty toxic and or you have a slow metabolism that could be an explanation for your lack of detox symptoms. Add to that that maybe your system needed more lemonade and or water to work it's full mojo. I did a 40 and 28 day Master-Cleanse with little more than some slight headaches and some of the stanky symptoms. Then on my 3rd 21 dayer I went through some knock out drag out nausea and vomiting on day 17. So even for the same individual it can vary greatly from one Master-Cleanse to the next.

Read the detox stages as I recomended in your other posts and that will point you to that to go into deeper cleanse mode one needs to do more than 10 day. Rest assured though that you are doing yourself a world of good and that plain common sense dictates that you are not gonna get rid of a lifetimes worth of toxins in 10 days not even 40 days. It will require a lifestyle change and time so start educating yourself and investigate all the other cleanse , colon liver etc. Go to the link on the Raw Weight Loss testimonial post. Though it focuses on weightloss it really is a testimonial for someone taking control of their lives and their health.

After day 2 or so "butt pee" (liquid poo) is the norm


The MC affects each individual different and detox syptom will be specific to an idividuals particular physiology lifestyle genetics and on and on.

The body is just begining to kick into deep detox mode in day 8 so if you're pretty toxic and or you have a slow metabolism that could be an explanation for your lack of detox symptoms. Add to that that maybe your system needed more lemonade and or water to work it's full mojo. I did a 40 and 28 day MC with little more than some slight headaches and some of the stanky symptoms. Then on my 3rd 21 dayer I went through some knock out drag out nausea and vomiting on day 17. So even for the same individual it can vary greatly from one MC to the next.

Read the detox stages as I recomended in your other posts and that will point you to that to go into deeper cleanse mode one needs to do more than 10 day. Rest a assured though that you are doing yourself a world of good and that plain common sense dictates that you are not gonna get rid of a lifetimes worth of toxins in 10 days not even 40 days. It will require a lifestyle change and time so start educating yourself and investigate all the other cleanse , colon liver etc. Go to the link on the Raw Weight Loss testimonial post. Though it focuses on weightloss it really is a testimonial for someone taking control of their lives and their health.

After day 2 or so "butt pee" (liqid poo) is the norm


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