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Re: Depopulation test run? 75% Dead or Hospitalized In Mexico From Vaccines
kwanyin Views: 921
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Re: Depopulation test run? 75% Dead or Hospitalized In Mexico From Vaccines

The deaths in Mexico were traced to bacterial contamination from an unknown source in the vaccine vials.

Do you have a copy of the pathology report? Please provide a link to the report.

Vaccines are composed of ANIMAL AND HUMAN blood cells which are contaminated, especially ANIMAL cells. You have the vaccine product in the vial, the vial becomes contaminated from the products. If you, your handles need to spin this to make palatable for the gullible-have at it. PLUS, even school children now days are saying the news and media doesn't tell the truth so that says a lot about the believability of what comes from Mexican authorities who are not know for their journalistic integrity. They have less integrity than the media in the US.

According to Fox Latino, the children were given: BCG (tuberculosis), rotavirus and hepatitis B vaccines. TB is made from a bacteria, rotavirus is dangerous and is now on the NVICP list of designated vaccine damage for a family to be compensated from. Rotavirus:chicken fibroblasts, synthetic cell culture medium (added human albumin, polygeline (processed bovine gelatin), Antibiotics ), B-propiolactone, sucrose density-gradient, stabilizer solution (buffered polygeline, potassium glutamate),polygeline (processed bovine gelatin), human serum albumin, potassium glutamate, sodium EDTA, bovine serum, chicken protein, neomycin, chlortetracycline, amphotericin B.

Yep, nothing in those monster mixes to makes anyone sick. Nanobacteria. ALL VACCINES ARE CONTAMINATED WITH BACTERIA BECAUSE THEY ARE MADE WITH HUMAN BLOOD CELLS , HUMAN DNA AND CELLS FROM BOVINE,CHICKEN AND PIGS. Some of the newer vaccines have been made on DOG and INSECT CELLS.

Nanobacteria In Vaccines Made Of BSE-Possible Bovine Material: From Patricia Doyle, PhD

Nanobacteria Threats In Vaccines:
Vaccines 97, Brown & al ed.,Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, New York, 1997 A New Potential Threat in Antigen and Antibody Products: Nanobacteria Neva Ciftcioglu, Ilpo Kuronen, Kari Akerman, Erkki Hiltunen, Jukka Laukkanen and E. Olavi Kajander Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, University of Kuopio, FIN-70211 Kuopio, Finland.

Several vaccines are currently being produced by using cultured mammalian cells. Microbiological sterility of such vaccines is of great importance since several examples indicate potential safety hazards in vaccines contaminated with unknown organisms. Fetal bovine serum (FBS) used as a supplement in cell culture is a known safety risk (Hodgson, 1995). Obviously, not all of the risk factors of FBS are yet known and thus cannot be controlled. It is commonly known that only about 10% of FBS batches support cell Cloning well (Liddel and Cryer, 1991) but the reasons for this have remained unclear. As with many other cell culturers, we faced a problem about 10 years ago of poorly thrivingo cells not attributable to any known contaminant. In this report, we describe the discovery of a new bacterium from mammalian blood and blood products, tentatively named as Nanobacterium sanguineum gen. et sp. nov., and show that this agent is common and harmful.

Nanobacteria are novel microorganisms that are not detectable with present sterility testing methods, but they are detectable with new culture and immunomethods. They are commonly present in bovine and blood products and thus in cell cultures and antigens, including vaccines derived therefrom, and may be present in antibody and gammaglobulin products. Nanobacteria are a potential risk because of their cytotoxic properties and ability to infect fetuses, and thus their pathogenicity should be scrutinized.
What Is Coming Through That Needle?
The Problem of Pathogenic Vaccine Contamination.
In May 2005, Dr Olavi Kajander delivered a sobering message to a joint meeting of the US FDA and the European Medicines Agency on viral safety when he presented new evidence to support something first published in 1997: that vaccines are contaminated with nanobacteria. Since 1999, government agencies have done virtually nothing to investigate the claim, due largely to that NIH experiment which failed to use particles discovered by Kajander as control samples; so now that the vaccine contamination has been officially reported to authorities, the question is: what will be done? [2005] The Nanobacteria Link to Heart Disease and Cancer by Douglas Mulhall.
I wait for that report!


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