The Interview That Saved My Life
After being chronically ill for many years, with pain, anxiety, blood sugar-type problems, high blood pressure, a racing heart at times, and skin blistering from the sun, I came across an awesome, free, radio interview of an American author of the most amazing book, discussing crucial health information on porphyria and related topics, at this link: The British nutritionist said she was “in awe” of all the new info. If it does not display, you can find it on the author’s testimonials page at his Wellatlast dot com website. Just scroll down a bit.
I finally realised what my problem was. I got tested and VP was confirmed. So I have porphyria, which all the doctors and alternative practitioners, over many decades, failed to diagnose.
I highly recommend this book titled “Porphyria: The Ultimate Cause of Common, Chronic & Environmental Illnesses, With Breakthroughs in Diet, Supplements and Energy Balancing” by Steven Rochlitz PhD, available from his website Wellatlast dot com. [It’s not sold on Amazon.]
I found its unique, practical and useful information to be very far ahead of the field. After doing a phone consultation with Prof. Rochlitz and having the information from his book, I was able to make the necessary changes to my diet, lifestyle and supplements. I am now so much better. My shakiness, high blood pressure and racing heart are gone.
Please check out the radio interview; it will play on your computer. Then see how many people including physicians, us laypeople and even a Chief Supreme Court Justice have marvelled at the book at the wellatlast dot com site’s testimonials page.
Stay well.