I recently removed a flat mole on my leg with apple cider vinegar. Was just a test but it actually worked! This was my second attempt on it after using Dermatend a few years prior, which worked on a couple others but not this one for some reason. Anyways, the removed mole has left a crater in the skin which has not gone away or scarred up in about 2 weeks. It doesn't really hurt at all either and there is slight redness around it. I've had it under a band-aid ever since with either Neosporin 30% of the time, a natural theraputic lotion 30% and then nothing on it for the remaining 30% of time. I know it's big enough that it might take a while to heal but it's just weird that it has barely changed at all in 2 weeks and only feels slightly tender when I touch it. Anything I can do to speed the healing process and make sure it heals nice and flat?