Prostate Cured Testimonials
First of all, I cured my own prostate problems with
Iodine supplements, and that sent me on an extensive research path to find out why. I had never heard of
Iodine curing the prostate.
Here is a typical prostate Horror Story with my comments in brackets:
"“I've had all the usual extreme prostate symptoms for many years (I'm 59) and have had a diagnosis of BPH (enlargement) and prostatitis from age 35. In the last 5 years things started getting worse: blood in my semen and urine, blood leaking out up to 12 hours after sex, dry ejaculation: no semen released until hours after ogasm when it would leak out, testicle pain off and on, knife-like pain radiating into my penis for a split second, then about a second or two later it hits again, this can go on for several minutes, painful ejaculation (every time), urgency and frequency causing me to get up as often as 10 times in the night to piss (usually 3 or 4 times) despite fluid restriction. Intolerance to caffeine and alcohol - I've given them both up. I have tried all the herbal remedies, pomegranate, curcumin, lycopene, selenium, vitamins, minerals etc and nothing has worked. I could not tolerate palmetto due to headaches. I've spent many hundreds of dollars on avodart and flomax. I've had a prostate biopsy to rule out cancer because my PSA was 10 and a cystoscopy that showed the enlargement. The avodart lowered the PSA to 5 but the symptoms didn't improve very much. I had to stop the avodart because of back pain, stomach pain (acid), foot and hand pain and general weakness. I tried starting up again several times and the upper-mid back pain always comes back within a day. I've had about 5 very painful episodes of urinary retention and blockage. Recently the pain on the always-dry ejaculation had got so bad and the after-effects so nasty: very frequent painful urination, i.e. every 10 minutes for a few hours, and the leaking of blood and semen that I have started abstaining from sex and decided that I might have to give up sex forever.
In my job I research medical topics for doctors and have access to very old medical journals (from the 1800s to the present). I found some very old references to the use of
Iodine in BPH. When I searched the internet I found a few guys (google prostate Grizz) had had amazing success with it, so I thought, I've tried everything else, why not give it a try. I looked into the history of iodine use and it was used for many conditions for at least 130 years and was considered the most important medicine a doctor could use (for many conditions). I didn't think it could be that dangerous considering the number of years it was used though I am aware modern doctors have been taught it's deadly. (It's actually a critically essential mineral but you can easily overdose.)
I took 5 drops of 5 % tincture of iodine (containing iodine and potassium iodide) in a glass of water every morning.
[Grizz-it should be
Lugols Iodine]
Do not take it at night because it is a stimulant. Read the warning below before you try this. 5 drops of 5% tincture is very roughly 25 mg (or 25,000 micrograms) of iodine…... hikers use roughly the same dose to sterilize a litre of pond water to drink without ill effects …..
…. I also painted my balls with the pure tincture mixed with olive oil (as suggested on the internet)
[Grizz-it should be
Lugols iodine 70% watered down]
because it is absorbed through the skin and that is close to the prostate. That was a mistake because it burnt the skin after 2 days and it peeled off like a sunburn. I switched to iodine sold for supplement use in a glycerine base and that was very messy and delivered a much lower dose of iodine to my balls/prostate.
[Grizz - Paint with Grapeseed Oil after Lugols: Not messy]
The very first night after using the tincture on my balls every time I awoke to piss, I had an erection (that hasn't happened for about 40 years during the night). I did not have any problems with erections before. The erections have continued almost every time I get up in the night now.
I stopped painting after a week as it was messy. After less than a week - I think it was about 4 or 5 days of the oral doses and ball painting, I decided to spank the monkey. I couldn't believe the result. I shot semen 10
inches or so with no pain, no blood, no leaking afterward, no frequent urge to piss etc. I hadn't had a wet ogasm in the daytime in about 5 years. My prostate feels much much better, I don't get the pain when urinating and the stream is stronger. I'm only getting up once or twice a night to piss. I can go for hours when I'm out and hold my bladder if I need to, without pain. I have only been taking the oral iodine for 3 weeks. All the symptoms improved after less than a week.
…….There are some doctors out there who are promoting iodine such as Dr. Flechas, Abraham and Brownstein for many conditions including
Breast Cancer and have written books and papers on it. …...
Conclusion: I am a very happy man. I'm sorry for all the men out there who've received the same advice and treatment as I have and are suffering terribly, because modern medicine abandons it's own history and so doctors today and their patients will not know about this possible treatment. Interesting question: could iodine help prevent or treat prostate cancer?
[Grizz: Yes - See Testimonials, subject Cancer]
The Japanese consume much larger amounts of iodine than North Americans (around 12 mg per day - a very large dose) and breast and prostate cancer are much much lower in Japan. Another question: Could iodine be a substitute for v1agra? My experience would suggest that possibility.
More testimonials for prostate cures here:
The book, "The Iodine Crises: What you don't know about iodine can ruin your life" fully explains why iodine supplements cure the prostate, cancers, breast-ovary-uterus & hormonal problems, Also explains the amazing history of iodine as a medicine. Also includes many exciting testimonials, including one for the prostate.
For more on iodine and optimal health: