Day 8 - battle won.
Freedom - FREEDOM - Freedom - FREEDOM!!! (can you hear Aretha singing it?!... great tune.)
It is day 8. Yesterday was amazing in that my food sitting around the house became simply food sitting around, and not lushious tempters.
I even put up a few batches of jam. (I didn't taste-test, so "it is what it is" in the jar.)
Life goes on in the garden, even if I am on this cleanse.
I don't have any super energy, haven't passed any interesting things into the septic, my skin doesn't seem to be glowing that I can see, and I haven't lost many
pounds (from what I wished to have).... yet I count THIS cleanse to be a whopping success.
I feel like I am "flying down the highway" in freedom from the pull... the longing... and from the desire to just "eat".
A simple thing, actually... but SO SWEET.