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Re: Are Americans of Faith in Danger?
saywhatagain Views: 1,094
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Re: Are Americans of Faith in Danger?

Bill O'Reily is a terrible mouthpiece for Christianity, there is no love and joy in his heart, as with most windbag news reporters and politicians soiling the name of Christ with their personal agendas. In this case though, he does make a point that I can't say is completely wrong. Personally, as a follower of Christ, it doesn't bother me that the world is doing their business as usual, gay marriage being legal in the US is just the world doing what the world does, and if people feel more loved and accepted, there is not a thing wrong with that. Unfortunately, there is much more going on behind the scenes than just gay rights. There is a very real force behind the scenes that is trying to get Americans to believe that maybe we have a little too much freedom in this country. People with certain viewpoints that are perceived as bigoted/racist/or anti-gay are being shunned and perhaps rightly so, but it is a slippery slope and going in the direction of 'well maybe there are some freedoms that we just shouldn't have anymore'. For example, the recent issue with the banning of Confederate flags.

Now I am actually with the people that say we shouldn't have the Confederate flags on our state and government buildings but as soon as we start banning things and it is not a far step to start making things illegal, this is the path that leads to the government telling us what is okay to believe and what is not okay to believe and this is the will of the dark one who wants all men to remain in bondage. Forcing man to comply with being accepting by rule of law instead of changing the heart of a man is the way of the dark one. It is with the freedom of liberty to make choices (good and bad) that man is able to evolve and progress. It is the will of the dark one to keep man in bondage and servitude. And that is the current trend and the mass population is going right along with it. If someone doesn't accept a certain person, they should be forced to accept them. If a person is a racist, they should be forced to not express their opinion as a racist even thought that darkness remains inside of them and will probably come out in much darker ways. I'm not saying it is okay to be a racist, it certainly isn't, but it also isn't and shouldn't be illegal as long as you aren't hurting anyone else. How we eliminate racism/bigotry/hate speech is to talk to each other to help others see the error of their ways with love in our hearts, any other path just leads to more bondage and other problems. It is so obvious to anyone with their eyes open what is happening that the government and the powers that be are spreading propaganda of separation spouting their false religion that we should simply not accept some viewpoints anymore and remove some of our freedoms (just a little won't hurt right?) but most people have their eyes completely closed and are just buying right into all this craziness.


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