Water Fasting : help
Hi everybody . I would love everyone's input and advice. It's been six years since I got my diagnosis for Crohn's Disease. I suffered while taking pills and being reluctant, I did not want to take pills for the rest of my physical life. I will tell you about myself. I was born cesarean. I have two mercury
Amalgams on two molars, and have had removed my tonsils and adenoids. I believe these circumstances to contribute to this dis-ease. I had such disdain and abhorred doctors because I felt they have taken advantage of me. I am fasting with water now, at 22. I weighed around ,140-150 tops (with exercise and such) and now I weigh around 120. i am 5'7 . I have been fasting with as much alkaline , spring water as possible. I am on the eleventh day. You can say i cheated because on my third day I had two cups of chai green tea with organic powdered: milk thistle, comfrey leaf, slippery elm, licorice and mullein. I was disappointed in myself, but rather than giving up I persisted and kept it moving. I was also taking a lycopodium and syc-co homeopathic remedies to treat erectile dysfunction and a peri-anal skin tag, I stopped because I believe that would affect my fast? I'm not sure if it does, but if so, I wouldn't want to start over my count as I would unsure what day I'd be on. I seem to be under ketosis as I have lost weight and I can see my abdomen more 'defined'.
My goals: cure myself of my ED (I WAS exposed to p 0 r n o g r a p h y around pre-school and horrible self-gratification habits manifested); to create good relationships with women and men, alike; cure my crohn's Disease; have my body reject my mercury fillings; possibly grow my wisdom teeth back after they were inexcusably taken from me (for letting people take my personal power); and be healthy! I want to become a vegan/vegetarian. I am already craving greens and fermented foods ! I planned on fasting for 90 days, but to be safe and reasonable, 40 at the bare minimum
Additional: I meditate, do a lot of work centering around chi, I believe in manifestation and intent
I want my body to reject my fillings because I cannot afford the procedure being 1,000$ in the NYC area and such. Then I will chelate.
Many blessings and love to all of you. And thank you for reading my story. All your input is adorned with infinite gratitude
My regards,