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Re: Can ozone kill fungus
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Re: Can ozone kill fungus


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A Candida Cleanse
That Simply Works

Backed by Human Studies, and Hundreds
of Real Life Success Stories.
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Michael's Story

I would recommend this to anyone that suspects they have Candida.

Taka's Story

This journey has been life changing.

Sheila's Story

It was as if a fog was removed from my mind. My digestion has really improved.

Disclaimer: Results may not be typical nor expected for every consumer.

Tired? Fatigued? You’re Not Alone, Millions of People Suffer From Candida Overgrowth Worldwide…

Candida Albicans is a fungal yeast.

It is present naturally in the human gut; everyone has Candida Albicans living within them to some extent.

Our gut is also full of natural bacteria that feed on the yeast and keep levels to a low number to stop it from becoming a problem. When life is good, this yeast is in balanced.

The problem starts when your life-style, diet, or stress levels cause this yeast in your gut to grow beyond normal levels and spreads throughout the gastrointestinal tract, into the bloodstream and from there throughout the body.

Once it’s loose in your blood-stream, the real trouble can begin because the yeast can turn into a fungus that can cause a wide variety of problems. Candida often goes undiagnosed, and is still widely unrecognized by large segments of the medical community…

What Does Candida Overgrowth
Mean For My Health?

When you have candida overgrowth, the Candida Albicans yeast turns into a fungus. This fungus now settles itself into your tissue and a fungal colony quickly spreads…

The fungus causes harm and makes your life difficult because it feeds on sugars, and excretes mycotoxins into your blood stream as a result of its own digestive processes.

A systemic candida infection can drag on for months, even years if not addressed correctly making you miserable by causing a wide variety of symptoms, robbing you of your vitality, your well-being, and in extreme cases normal your daily life routine almost impossible.

As of 2014 we’ve helped over 18,000 people from all walks of life deal with both minor and some of the most unbelievably intense candida overgrowth situations, keep reading and find out how you can get Candida free as well, quickly, easily, without restrictive diets or dangerous treatments…

How Do You Know If You Have Candida Overgrowth?

A quick search on a medical website or wiki will show many symptoms believed to be connected to candida overgrowth, in fact there are thought to be over 100 different symptoms that can be expressed in someone with Candida.

Because of this, it would be very misleading to say “if you’ve got these symptoms, you’ve got Candida overgrowth”, it really varies.

Symptoms vary from person to person, and this may be because of diet, life-style choices, and also where the candida fungus is more prevalent in your body.

Typically, the initial stage of Candida overgrowth will often involve the gut, mouth, and urinary tract.

The most common symptoms believed to be related with candida overgrowth are:

Sore Throat

Digestive Problems
Ear Ache

If you believe you may have Candida and want to know for sure, the best way is to get tested at a facility that can provide such a test. Most health care professionals are unable and will avoid giving a diagnose of systemic candida overgrowth because it is difficult to give a 100% diagnosis, because the symptoms vary so much.

If you’re like many independent health conscious people, you’ll likely want to take matters into your own hands and start a candida cleanse. There are many approaches believed to cleanse candida out of the body.

However, before you plunge head-first into a candida cleanse, please consider the following, because it could save you a lot of suffering and years of frustration…

Can’t Seem To Beat Candida? Here’s why:

When you have candida overgrowth, Candida Albicans is now in its fungal form. It’s a fungus.

And there’s one thing all fungus has in common.

A Chitin Layer.

Chitin is a very hard shell which protects and shields the fungus. Chitin is also found in the exoskeletons of many insects and crustaceans(crabs, lobsters, and prawns.)

Imagine the fungus is wearing a suit of armor that your immune system cannot punch through if it’s weak.

The fungus is protected as it has now left your gut and does not face the challenge of your gut bacteria keeping things in balance.

This protective chitin layer is what we believe makes the candida fungus so difficult to deal with, and why so many people experience great difficulty in ridding themselves of this burden. This is why if you’d like to get on the fast track to getting candida free, we recommend you study and try this approach, which has already worked for thousands of people…

How It Works…

Our Approach: Deal With The Root Of The Problem,
Get It Done, and Get Your Life Back
CCWS™ candida cleanser works because it deals with the root of the problem, the chitin layer of the fungus. Without this layer the fungus is defenseless and your body’s immune system can cleanse it out.
Candida Cell Wall Suppressor, “CCWS™” is a chitin layer inhibitor which prevents fungus from being able to repair it’s chitin layer… It’s tough armor quickly weakens and your body is naturally able to kill and remove the fungus.
It is a very simple cleanse that is clinically proven to be safe and you don’t have to go on a restrictive diet. You simply follow the usage instructions that come with your order. *Results as seen in our clinical studies may only be repeatable if you follow these instructions. For best result, directions should be followed carefully.

Sound too good to be true?… We thought so, so here’s a little back-up to our claims in case you still have doubts:

Over 18,000 Clients Around The World Can’t Be Wrong…
Here’s What Others Have to Say…

"Thanks So Much For Saving Me"

My name is Brooke. I was diagnosed with adenomyosis of the uterus seven years ago. I spent two years on continuous antibiotics. After two years I decided to get a hysterectomy at age 28. After my hysterectomy I became severely depressed. I was diagnosed with being bipolar at that time and put on medication.

The side effects were harsh. I gained thirty pounds, lost a lot of hair, had horrible memory, the list goes on. Five months ago I was completely fed up. I got off my medication and replaced it with the Paleo diet and high doses of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and omega 3s. After three months I wasn’t better but worse. My depression, fatigue and anxiety were out of control.

I kept going to the doctor for more tests, but they couldn’t find anything. I asked the doctor for some oral yeast medication to treat an ongoing itch that I had been having. He prescribed one a week for four weeks. During that time all of my symptoms improved greatly. After I stopped the medication all of my symptoms came back worse. After some research it was clear that I had candida pretty bad. I talked to my doctor about it, but he didn’t know anything about systemic candida. He suggested that I stay on the diflucan indefinitely. I had read that prescription antifungals were hard on the liver, and decided not to go that route. At first I thought I was going to have to stay on an anti candida diet for the rest of my life. Knowing that if I slip up my symptoms would come back.

Then I discovered Candida Cleanser and their “Iron Clad” guarantee. It seemed like my best option. The first three weeks were very hard for me. I think it’s because I had so much candida in my system, especially my brain. My emotions were all over the place. My head hurt all the time. I knew it wasn’t the Candida Cleanser because my husband was doing it with me, and only got two headaches with no other ill symptoms. After three weeks I started to get my life back. By the fifth week I was amazing! I have joy for the first time in seven years! My ongoing anxiety is gone! I feel free! I have energy, my clarity of thought is better.

I can’t thank Candida Cleanser enough for saving me! It was so easy too. I ate a healthy diet, but didn’t feel restricted. I can feel myself getting stronger everyday. I will share this product with anyone that will listen. I hope that everyone gets a chance to do a candida cleanse with Candida Cleanser. Thanks so much for saving me!!

Brooke Cherry | Wichita, KS

Disclaimer: Results may not be typical nor expected for every consumer.

"My Sex Drive Is Back!"

I have been on and off the Body Ecology Diet for several years along with heavy homeopathics for ridding my body of candida and unless I was extremely strict on the protocol, my candida would come back into detection in my stool samples.

Your product is so strong and powerful that for the first few days I felt such extreme reactions as nausea, sweating, fatigue, muscle pain and weakness, headache, anxiety, and insomnia. I did as recommended and I also did daily enemas and I drank a lot water and rested and within a week my body started to transform. I’ve lost several kilos and practically all of my cellulite disappeared. The texture of my skin changed and even the tone and color of my skin is different. My light acne is completely gone! My hair has a different texture. I am calmer, I have all my energy back, I can sleep at night. My breath doesn’t smell anymore for there is no white coating on my tongue anymore. My vision feels sharper. Colors appear more vivid. Some of these changes are subtle but they are different than what they were, thus ’tis why I am calling your product a true miracle.

My sex drive is back!

I can eliminate 2-4 times a day which I always suffered from mild to severe constipation.

I am so eternally grateful for the gift of life you have given me. You helped me get my true quality of living back. I am very emotional over the rapid transformational process. I spiel recommend your product to everyone on the planet

Thank you again!

Jennifer Moloney | Garden City, NY

Disclaimer: Results may not be typical nor expected for every consumer.

"Unspeakable of Appreciation For This Treatment"
Both my husband and I have been using the CCWS™ treatment and the result is amazing. After just 3 or 4 days of the treatment my husband got rid of his heartburn and cough which he have had for more than 20 years. He didn’t know that candida was the problem until 2 years ago when it really got beyond normal levels. First his feet got swollen up and then his legs, hands and arms. All in just a few hours. It took 7 doctors at the hospital before anyone could tell his what was wrong. He got treated with antibiotics. Before using this candida cleanser both my husband and I felt very infirm. Thought it was because of old age (68 years) but now we wake up every morning to a new reality with much more energy. We are unspeakable of appreciation for this treatment!

Helen Danielsson | Lammhult, Sweden

Disclaimer: Results may not be typical nor expected for every consumer.

"It Literally Gave Me My Life Back"

Jackie Joy

I’m a healthy lady. One day my Dr. prescribed me VERY strong antibiotics for an extended period of time to make sure I didn’t get an infection after an appendectomy. (Appendectomy runs in my family, it’s very common)

Antibiotics wiped out everything in my body, both the good and the bad bacteria. Little did I know that I needed to repopulate my good bacteria to keep a healthy gut and immune system!

So, about 6 months after I got off my antibiotics I started having symptoms of Candida. I was lethargic all of the time, I couldn’t concentrate, I had zero energy, I craved sweets a lot, I was moody, snappy, and depressed the majority of the time, I couldn’t even get out of bed without an IV dripping coffee in my veins because I was SOO tired in the morning, I caught a cough and 5 months later I still had it, I grew a tummy pootch from all the carbs I was consuming, I developed oral thrush, I drank alcohol and was not phased much by it (I believe the Candida was eating the alcohol faster than I drank it), and my short term memory was worse than it had ever been in my life!

Soon, I sought out a psychiatrist to find out what was wrong with my extremely poor concentration and lack of recall.

I was diagnosed and put on psychiatric drugs for ADD. And those drugs helped with several of my symptoms, accept the constant cough and the ability to drink more alcohol than I was used to.

BUT!!! Without my new drugs, all my symptoms would come back with a vengeance… (that’s when I would develop thrush).

And all of this is on a 26 yr old slim female with a previously perfect health record!

I was on this very expensive ADD medication for several years, unable to function without it. However, I didn’t want to be dependent on those drugs forever, so one day I went cold turkey. And I hated my life. I was absolutely miserable from all of my Candida symptoms!

Then one day my mother suggested if maybe I had Candida. I looked into it and was SHOCKED!!! I did my research and ordered Candida Cleanser right away. Besides being immensely tired from the die off, all of my symptoms started to disappear! I will be eternally grateful for your product because it literally gave me my life back.

Thank you

Jackie Joy | Casselberry, FL

Disclaimer: Results may not be typical nor expected for every consumer.

"Very Small Price To Pay To Rid Myself Of That Horrible Fungus"

Stephan Jaskulowski

I became interested in natural health products a few months ago, when despite all of modern medicine’s hype, and frequent visits to my doctor, my general health was only deteriorating. I wanted to get off the synthetic drugs I was taking, both prescribed, and over the counter, because they were only multiplying my health problems. I read up about what could be causing my chronic ill health, and learned of the Candida syndrome. Everything made sense at last. Most, if not all of my problems could be attributed to this insidious condition.

Looking for a way to fight this Candida though, I could see that there were a great many products, but the vast majority of them involved keeping to a very strict diet which restricted many foods I had eaten all my life, and I knew that I could not keep to such a diet for more than a few days. And then I came across Candida Cleanser. The website clearly and graphically described the problem – and the solution. There seemed a chance to rid my body of this nasty parasite without the need for life-long strict diets. I decided I could drastically reduce my consumption of chocolate, sweet pastries and refined sugars, and not feel too deprived. And if this Candida Cleanser worked, I wouldn’t have to change my lifestyle beyond all recognition. The cost was small when I compared it to my deteriorating health, and a probably much shortened lifespan expectancy.

The eagerly awaited course of capsules and some liquid pro-biotics – all natural and harmless substances arrived within a couple of weeks. The course and instructions were easy to follow, and within a couple of more weeks, I had begun to feel the benefits. Chronic gastric reflux for which I had been taking pharmaceutical pills every day for two years quickly eased off, and now several weeks after the Candida Cleanser course, I no longer need them as the reflux has completely gone. So has distressing itching from my legs, and the chronic sinus problems I have suffered with.
I have much more energy now, and exercise is a healthy part of my everyday life. I am taking other natural supplements too now, and I believe that they will help me regain even more health and vitality that I haven’t had for years.

I would recommend this wonderful, completely safe and effective Candida Cleanser to anyone. The cost was a very small price to pay to rid myself of that horrible fungus that was ruining my health and my life.

Stephan J. | United Kingdom

Disclaimer: Results may not be typical nor expected for every consumer.

"I Truly Felt The Impact Of Your Wonderful Product"

Stan Kant

I have been slowly rebuilding my complete system over the past 7 years, so my experience may not have been as incredible as most others. Still, I did truly feel the impact of your wonderful product. I felt a powerful spike in my energy levels during the second phase, and a slight hike in sensitivity during the last phase and beyond. I have tried other miracle supplements in the past, almost always experiencing some diverse side effect during the procedure. I am glad to say that I experienced no such effects during my stint with Candida Cleanser. I feel that this aspect of the treatment is most important, because a person may also gain a little insight into their overall health. When combining a healthy product with a healthy body, there should be no diverse effects, which was my experience. As for those who do experience various diverse effects; finish this cleanse and move on to the next. The Parasite Cleanse would definitely be a wonderful place to start. After all, Confucius say; If at first you do succeed try try again! Thank you very much for this wonderful opportunity in sharing my wonderful experience.

Stan Kant | Montreal, QC

Disclaimer: Results may not be typical nor expected for every consumer.

"The Fungus On My Feet Is Gone"

Kotaro Yamabuta

Candida Cleanser, an awesome product, It looks like the fungus on my feet have gone. I will keep in mind your product, if it appears again I will order again.

Kotaro Yamabuta

Disclaimer: Results may not be typical nor expected for every consumer.

"I Felt The Effects Immediately! The Itching And Sneezing Stopped"

Suzy Funk

Let me begin this story by saying that 4 years ago I was 100 pounds overweight.

Looking back, I can definitely say that I had candida overgrowth but I did not know it at the time. I cleaned up my act and managed to drop 100 pounds and keep it off for 4 years. I feel fabulous. The only symptom that I was not able to get rid of was mild systemic itching and mild allergies which were greatly improved but not eliminated. I do know that it would be worse if I had an occasional splurge on a high carbohydrate meal

I saw your ad and was skeptical. I think the picture of the little alien did it—just does not look real. I thought, “What the heck. I will try it.” I have finished the bottle of Candida Cleanse. I felt the effects immediately. The itching and sneezing stopped. I was totally surprised. I feel better than ever. I did not experience any “die off” but like I said, I had pretty much cleaned up my diet by the time I found your product…

I truthfully believe that in today’s toxic world that we live in everyone should do an occasional cleanse. I will probably repeat it myself in another year. I highly recommend this product to people suffering from mysterious symptoms that do not do away.

Suzy Funk | Macungie, PA

Disclaimer: Results may not be typical nor expected for every consumer.

"There Is No Other Product Out There With As Much Potency and Effectivity As The Candida Cleanser"

Aquino Cole

My experience with the candida cleanser was an amazing one.

There is no other product out there with as much potency and effectivity as the candida cleanser. I am a massive individual with a lot of room and when I began to take the candida cleanser I felt the effect in as little as the 2nd phase, which is a a day more of two weeks. This gave me great comfort and confidence in myself as well as my peers.
Being able to hold my head high amongst many people who just are gorgeous naturally meant a great deal for me because my sores and blemishes made me look ridiculously unreal maybe a clown perhaps because no one takes you seriously when from looking at you apparently you don’t either. Because I have taken different medications growing up, it annihilated my liver and caused great discomfort of the physiology within my body. “Please forgive, I was being eaten alive!!”

Today I can’t feel the little bugs crawling around in my skin all day except for a few occasions like when I resort to the diet that got me this disease in the first place. Take it from all the other testimonials if you don’t believe mine buy the product enhance the quality of your life period.

Aquino Cole | Daytona Beach, FL

Disclaimer: Results may not be typical nor expected for every consumer.

"Thank You For This Miraculous Candida Cleanser"

Daisy Merkens-van Leeuwen

Quite recently I have finished the candidacleanser treatment. After at least 20 years of tremendous efforts, I am só glad to tell you that finally I have successfully won the battle against candida!

A whole lot of foods that I was not able to digest, is now available for me! And there lies the big danger to me, because I am a coeliac patient. I did not really look what the contents of some packed foods was and so I took wheatgluten for a few times, which made me very sick.

Thank God that all the candida has gone, so now I was able to notice that my complaints came from gluten and no more from candida! I feel só much better now! Candida had taken over my life since many many years. I could hardly eat anything without getting severe allergies, especially my nose, fronthead infection, my eyes, intestins and many more problems.

I have told some friends already about your candidacleanser: how extraordinary it is! When I eat glutenfree, I have none problems anymore! My hayfever is gone also! I am 72 years old and my body is rejuvenating now!

It has cost me a fortune over the years: all the medication I have bought and got from the doctor to get rid of candida. And nothing really helped. Perhaps for an hour or two and then the symptoms came always back. I can sleep now without asthmatic breathing difficulties, I don’t need the nosesprays anymore, my eyes don’t tear anymore and I don’t have red eyelids anymore! The red color is slowly coming back on my cheeks again (not when I have eaten gluten..) and my energy is growing (also not when eating gluten..).

But again I want to thank you for this miraculous candida cleanser that came with probiotics and a bottle of Zeoco charcoal. I am só grateful that I have spent my last money to try this remedy!! I can and will advise it to everybody! I am beginning a new life now! Thank you só much!

Daisy Merkens-van Leeuwen | Netherlands

Disclaimer: Results may not be typical nor expected for every consumer.

"I Can't Believe It!"

Jon Hawley

I am amazed.

I am 86 and pretty healthy apart from skin problems from over-exposure to the sun as a teenager.
Since the age of 40 I have had over 1000 skin cancers, blemishes, etc treated or frozen off and my legs and arms and face have been covered with coarse lumps.

Since finishing your candida course over the 45 days, I can’t believe it! My legs and arms, face and nose have all cleaned up, are so smooth, with all the calluses peeling off.

I am forever grateful.

Jon Hawley | Sydney, Australia

Disclaimer: Results may not be typical nor expected for every consumer.

"I'm Free Of The Foggy and Fatigue Caused by Candida"

Stephanie Sinclaire

I have been battling with candida for decades, as have so many. All remedies fell short of what was needed to eradicate the pesky critters. I’m sure my health and well being has suffered immeasurably and it is very hard to muster the permanent discipline to go 100% organic green to keep the condition dormant. I found that within a short time I responded positively to the Candida Cleanse and I have had no adverse reaction regarding the die off. Already my mental well being and physical have improved and I feel myself again after a very long time. Being older I had pretty much written off many of my ambitions and I am finding with this new energy that age needn’t be an impediment to realising dreams as long as one is in good health and free of the foggy and fatigue causing Candida.

Stephanie Sinclaire

Disclaimer: Results may not be typical nor expected for every consumer.

"I Already Feel The Effects Of The Cleanse On Day 5!"

Sean Edwardse

Having reached my early 40’s , I felt it was more than time to pay back my body with another random act of kindness! Another DETOX perhaps? (I have done many over the years) But whilst most detox’s concern taking dietary measures and drinking concoctions to help ,release, dispurse and remove toxins from the body’s system, I always wondered about the parasites that fed on our toxins and waste …..would they be starved?

So inspired to research a lot more on the subject….I came across the idea of cancer as a fungus and thriving in fungal communities! I came across Candida Cleanser and something about it struck a chord and just made sense. So I took a chance and ordered some!

I am just at the end of the first treatment (5 days) and already feel the effects of the cleanse!! It’s quite remarkable really! I feel, cleaner already, not to mention lighter,(less dense), more focused and fluid, less easily fatigued and generally well being!! I am very excited to finish the full course and see just how much energy returns to me as the parasites release their grip on MY Biosystem!

Thank you

Sean Edwards | England, UK

Disclaimer: Results may not be typical nor expected for every consumer.

"I had Fungal Ear Infections for 8 Years, Now Its Gone"

I have had a fungal ear infection for eight years. Went to doctors, tried a lot of different things but each flair up would get worse. Was at my wits end, it was driving me nuts, but then found your product. I followed the directions exactly and by the end could not believe it but it seemed to be gone. I continue to watch my diet and put a few drops ofcolloidal silver in each ear daily. It has been over a month and no sign of it returning. Thanks so much. Fells like a heavy burden has been lifted. Hope more people with fungal infections will find you.

Kevin Ryan

Disclaimer: Results may not be typical nor expected for every consumer.

"Huge Improvement In My Energy Levels With Mucht Less Brain Fog"

I am half way through the candida cleanse with the CCWS™(Formerly Candida Cell Wall Suppressor) and am already noticing a huge improvement in my energy levels, with much less brain fog. I wake up feeling more rested. My candida had gotten so bad I would sometimes start shaking and having trouble breathing, it made it frightening to leave the house. I haven’t had any of that shaking since I started taking this product, and the trouble breathing is slightly reduced. I have more confidence to get out more now knowing that shaking will not happen. I took this product because I was desperate, my candida was dangerously high and out of control, nothing seemed to work. I am feeling very optimistic about how this product is working. It is definitely worth a try! I recommend people with high levels of candida get the full package with the Zeoco charcoal and probiotic, they have been very helpful helping my body handle the detox. Thank you so much for this product!

Annette Alen | Newsberg, OR

Disclaimer: Results may not be typical nor expected for every consumer.

Tested and Proven by Human
Clinical Trials

The natural health community is flooded with folklore and myth about systemic candida, candida cleanses and cures with very little scientific proof. We decided to put myth to the test and run real human trials with proper blood and saliva testing.

CCWST™ is the first candida cleanse to be backed by double blind human clinical trials. We’ve now published our study, click here if you’d like to see it.

Our 1 Year Money Back Guarantee

Because we fully stand behind our product and research, CCWS™ Candida Cleanser comes with a full 1 year money back guarantee.

Follow the usage protocol and try CCWS™ Candida Cleanser. If after following the protocol you do not feel a remarkable difference in how you feel and your Candida-related symptoms do not improve, simply contact us and we’ll promptly and happily return your investment. Even if you contact us a full year after your initial purchase.

Top 3 Reasons To Choose Us CCWS™
Unparalleled service and follow up. When you start your candida cleanse, we’re with you t’ll the end, you’ll get follow up education on candida, and motivation to follow through. Additionally you can call us during our office hours if you have questions, or just need someone to talk to during your detox.
It get’s the job done. you can get your life back and not have to endure a restrictive diet, and you can avoid using drugs with potentially dangerous side-effects.
The scientific research and quality. We pride ourselves on our product quality and our initiative to constantly do more scientific research. We are currently in the process of starting new independent clinical trials with CCWS™ and are constantly adding to our body of research. CCWS™ contains the purest grade Lufenuron, and we publish all our lab tests and clinical trials on the web for you to see.

Optional Zeolites and EM Probiotics to Make Your Cleanse More Enjoyable…

Many of our clients have found that using Zeolites and EM Probiotics in combination with CCWS™ makes the healing crisis symptoms during the healing crisis candida die-off phase much smoother. We provide both of these for you in our full package and family package. (see below)

We highly suggest these packages as the Zeolites and Probiotics help greatly with ushering the toxins released by the dying fungus out of the body, relieving a lot of your candida die-off symptoms, making your whole candida cleanse and detox a lot more pleasant.

Ready To Start Your Candida Cleanse?

Single Package

1 x CCWS™

plus S/H
Only $117
Add To Cart

Full Package

1 x CCWS™
1 x Zeoco
1 x EM Probiotic

Regularly $201
plus S/H
Only $167
Add To Cart

Family Package

2 x CCWS™
2 x Zeoco
1 x EM Probiotic

Regularly $355
plus S/H
Only $247
Add To Cart

Disclaimer: The products and statements made about specific products on this web site have not been evaluated bythe United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. All information provided on this web site or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional.

What Is a Healing Crisis?

Many people who have a serious Candida infection do find that when they start their cleanse they feel worse before they start to feel better.

This is completely normal and is known as a ‘healing crisis’ or a ‘Jarisch-Herxheimer’ reaction.

What is basically happening is that the chitin synthesis inhibitor is doing its job and destroying the chitin protection of the fungus. This means that your body now is able to attack the fungus and kill it.

As the candida fungus dies, it releases many toxins into your body which can make you feel a bit ill, fatigued, and emotional.

This is only temporary because when the fungus is fully gone, you will be feeling a lot better than you did before. We recommend you come back to our site often and read many of the success stories for daily motivation to keep going with your cleanse.

Our 1 Year Money Back Guarantee

Because we fully stand behind our product and research, CCWS™ Candida Cleanser comes with a full 1 year money back guarantee.

Follow the usage protocol and try CCWS™ Candida Cleanser. If after following the protocol you do not feel a remarkable difference in how you feel and your Candida-related symptoms do not improve, simply contact us and we’ll promptly and happily return your investment. Even if you contact us a full year after your initial purchase.


Below are many independent references to this topic further expanding and verifying the information we have looked at in this letter.

Chronic Candidiasis | source:

Fungi and Disease | source:

Dimorphic fungi | source:

Candida infection of the skin. By U.S. National Library of Medicine.

Vaginal yeast infection. By U.S. National Library of Medicine.

Candidiasis. By Centers of Disease Control and Prevention.

Oropharyngeal / Esophageal Candidiasis. By Center of Disease Control and Prevention.

Candida Albicans osteomyelitis of the spine. By National Institute of Health. Source:

Candida Albicans osteomyelitis. By International Journal of Infection Diseases.

Candidal Meningitis in Children with Cancer. By Oxford Journal.

Fungal Meningitis. By Centers of Disease Control and Prevention.

Refractory Candidal Meningitis. By Journal of Clinical Microbiology.

Symptoms of Invasive Candidisis. By Centers of Disease Control and Prevention.

Yeast Syndrome. By Ron Kennedy, M.D., The Doctor’s Medical Library

Candida Yeast Infection Symptoms and Signs. By Melissa Conrad Stoppler, M.D., eMedicineHealth. Source:

Yeast and Weight Gain. By Carolyn Dean, M.D.

Frequently Asked Questions

Has CCWS™ been tested on humans?

In the winter of 2014, a double-blind clinical study has been conducted with 200 subjects and 50 placebo. Based on the saliva and blood tests completed after taking CCWS™, 80% of the subject experienced a 99.9% relief. The remaining 20% experienced at least a 50% relief. *Subjects did not have a change to their diets nor did they have changes to their exercise routines.

The remaining 20% subjects that did not have at least a 98% removal of Candidasis based on saliva and blood test were placed into a follow-up study directly following the first protocol. After taking another course of the CCWS™, 100% of the subjects experienced approximately 99.9% relief from Candidasis.

100% of subjects stated they felt better on day 45 than they did on day 1 using CCWS™.

100% of the placebos experienced a 0.0% relief from Candidasis from the placebo product based on saliva and blood tests.

To view the final report of our clinical study, please click here.

*Results as seen in our clinical studies may only be repeatable if you follow our protocol. For best result, directions should be followed carefully.

How do I know if I have Candida?

How does Chitin Synthesis Inhibitor kill Candida?

What do I do if I forget a dose?

Do I need antifungals also?

Why is the treatment in three parts?

Is it suitable for children?

Is it suitable if I am pregnant?

Is it a pesticide?

What are the side effects?

What diet should I follow?

Why do I need to take it with fat rich content food?

Can my Candida be resistant to Chitin Synthesis Inhibitor?

Will I need to take a second course?

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try this I am using and only 1/3 way thru the program I hope this helps you !!!!!

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