That's all well and good if you want to mix up 11 secret herbs and spices plus rinse your machine out every time you use it.
What has been proven to work every time is simply to run salt water through your water pik. The saltwater kills the bacteria in the pockets on contact but must be repeated daily. Once the saliva no longer needs to deal with the toxins it begins doing one of the jobs God designed it to do which is to remineralize the teeth. Also without the toxins present in the pockets the bone supporting the tooth will grow back like any other bone in your body grows when needed.
A robber-dentist will tell you the teeth need to be scraped off below the gum line for $2000. If you go to a periodontist they will call it perio surgery and charge between 4 and 10 thousand. You will also need to have it done again 5 years later unless you happen to have a water pik and a sack of salt handy.