Re: Meat as the Prime Cause Of ALS, Alzheimer's, Heart Disase, Cancer, Arthritis Etc
This is a great compilation of logical facts and conclusions that gives you an idea of how diseases are formed and so prevalent for meat eating population. However, Homospaiens would not be here if they did not eat meat. I do beleive that humans are more apt to eat vegan/vegetarian foods than meats. I have said here numerous times, all animals with molars are herbivores (by design) and the carnivores are the cleaner class of the food chain. Well, humans have taken that role, unfortunately, we have become a cleaner class.
This article should have mentioned a few more facts. All antioxidants, minerals, vitamins that come from the plant based foods are consumed and used by the animal we consume so regenerating and healing elements are lacking in our diet if we consume meat only.
The other fact is that some vegans and vegetarians also get the same diseases as meat eaters, i.e. depression, cancer, acid reflux, gout, etc. you name it.
BTW, I am a born vegetarian and working towards being a vegan.